
Hi, my name is Kristine Hall.

While working full-time and attending Charis Bible College, I struggled to make time to read my Bible, spend time with God, and ponder the life-changing truths I’ve been learning.

The main reason I came to Bible College was to deepen my relationship with God, but I let busyness get in the way.

When I admitted this to my fellow Leadership class students, I knew something had to change.

Starting in January 2022, I will publish one Bible verse per day, starting with verses about God’s love.

Once this habit is established, I will publish weekly posts diving a little bit deeper into the truths that are changing my life.

Please join me here as I share about God’s love, our identity in Christ, and the believer’s role in the kingdom of God.

God loves you more than you could ever imagine!


Almost every morning I wake up with a song in my heart. I never know all the song lyrics, but usually one phrase keeps running through my head as I prepare for the day. If I still remember that song when I write my daily post, I’m going to include that phrase as a postscript. (If time permits, I’ll include a video link, too.) These may seem very random, but I’m curious to see if any patterns emerge. 🙂